What To Do With That Deer You Just Shot
Hello, Friends and Customers. Below are some pictures of deer and other items mounted I mounted. This year you might find yourself with a really nice
specimen to bring in. There ARE nice bucks out there! You just got to go
hunting to find them and enjoy some days a field in this nice weather
we are having.
The Indians used to use up every piece of the game that they killed, so this page is devoted to showing you how to use up every piece of that animal you get, whether it be big or small!
Now if your really lucky you may get the chance to bag a super nice buck to have mounted for your wall. These guys just dont come to every hunter every year and it takes lots of patience and experience to get one.
Below is what you can do with ANY deer, or other animal you shoot!
Tanned Deer Hides
All my tanning is done by the worlds best tannery and the hides come back just beautiful, nice and soft just like cloth and deer hides make the best and longest lasting leather there is.
You can have any animals hide tanned. Raccoons, foxes, coyotes, you name it.
I know a number of people I
have done these for 30 years ago and the hides are still great! You are
missing a great idea if you dont have one
of these done. They are just beautiful!
Come in and see many samples of tanned hides from bear to deer, raccoon, fox, coyote, beaver even weasel. I have them all right here for you to look at. They are wonderful and done by the worlds best tannery. You wont believe how really nice these are until you see them for yourself. I have lots of tanned hides for you to see.
Now these furry beasts seen in this picture are roaming all around the woods of Palmyra, ME which is where I shot this one. Like Martins and Fisher they are making quite a come back in this state. I call the finished product Mountain Men because they remind me so much of some of the folk that live here in Maine. In fact I wonder if they are related to a whole bunch of my relatives ? They look quite similar! Mounted up you couldn'tt tell em apart!
These guys are quite the attraction to just about everyone that comes into the shop. You couldn'tt ask for a better conversation piece. You can just keep talking to them all day long and they wont give you a dumb answer ever. Usually not any answer at all . Almost all of my mounts are like that . So sweet .... Wish my ... Was like that ...oh well.
These guys need special skinning instructions so call for details and dont gut out your deer too far back ....if you know what I mean ..
Then I have these really great gun racks that I make. Both 2 foot gun
racks and 4 foot gun racks using solid walnut or solid oak panels, wow
you just couldn'tt ask for any thing nicer.
Not only that, I believe in doing things the right way. All the feet are nicely tanned before mounting to make them last a very long time.
Dont forget to have those extra deer antlers mounted on a nice panel. These look great and last forever unlike a carton of cigarettes which last two days in a deer blind.
Some hunters dip their cigarettes in deer urine to create the perfect scent trail ...Glad I dont smoke .. ..(PS...I kid you not)
The way I do antler mounts is the good hard old fashioned way. I don't use those kits which don't work good. The way I do antler mounts is to build up the skull plates with mache and then cover the skull with a really nice piece of tanned buck skin. They look really great and last forever. It is easy to see and feel the difference between my mount and the cheap kits.
Or how about a perfect deer foot lamp to sit on your den
of office desk.
That is, if you can keep it away from your wife. The ladies really like these lamps. You owe it to her to have one or two made for her and then she wont complain about you mounting other stuff like deer heads, ducks, animals, ...You know all those other little critters you bring home ...
These are really nice and can be had in three foot or 4 foot styles. Notice in the picture how you need to keep the feet cut long . You dont want to cut the feet off short when you butcher that deer. The lamps can be had with or without the deer scene shade. These are a really, really nice item!
Moose Leg lamps are really nice if your lucky enough to get a moose or get somebody to give you a leg off of one.
Notice the nice thick, heavy bases I put them on. They are needed to keep them stable. I take pains to do things right the first time!
These are really nice!
I do quite a few bear feet. They make really, really interesting gun racks!
The log chain on the bottom is quite a bit longer than you see here. It's in my museum room. The chain was carved by my father out of one piece of long using a chain saw only. All the pieces are interconnected. The links were not made separate and put together. He made quite a few of these and used to sell them, many years ago.
You can also have just head mounts made from your animal. They can be done all kinds of ways. Put on panels as wall mounts like this nice large Bobcat or on rocks, logs, and such.
I got lots of ideas! See Below!
You can do all these things with just about any animal. I got over a hundred mounts in my show rooms for you to look at. Your most welcome to just come and look around. But please call first to make sure I'm here! And Bring the Kids!